Peer Review Proccess

Articles that have been submitted to the Open journal system of the Ishlah Journal are first processed by the editor-in-chief. The Editor-in-chief examines the theme of the article, checks for plagiarism and the focus and scope of the journal, then the editor-in-chief submits the article to the editor. The editor team reads the article in general and checks the suitability of the template. The Editor removes the author's identity and shows two reviewers who match his expertise.

The article review process is carried out by external reviewers/bestari partners who are experts in the field according to focus and scope. Each article is reviewed with a double blind-review technique (the author's name is disguised, the reviewer's name is not presented). The fastest review process within two weeks. During the process of submit, review, revision, resubmit and production, the author will be informed via email.